
Daniela Deutelbaum: Twins / Upgrade
city: Praha
address: Vitrínka Antonínská 6, Praha 7
curator: Daniela Deutelbaum
telephone: +420 737 018 666
e-mail: deutelbaum@photo5.cz
www: http://www.photo5.cz/m.odla/
opening hours: denně na požádání kohokoliv z obyvatel domu 9-20 hod.
gallery opened: 05.06.2008
gallery closed: 21.06.2014

address: Showcase in Antonínská 6, Prague 7
opening hours: daily 9 - 20 on request by doorbell with any house tenant
gallery opened: 06-05-2008

Gallery could be nowadays operated anywhere, even in the old showcase of the apartment house. M.odla or the showcase started to be used for visual interventions by civic association Photo 5 in June 2008. The exhibition space of the size 83 x 83 x 1,5 cm is located in the basement of functionalist house in Antonínská 6, Prague 7. The curatorial plan is ensured by photographers Daniela Deutelbaum. The important aspect of m.odla gallery is communication with people who are living in the house and actively sharing its common premises. It is possible to link with the house tenants through the medium of contemporary visual art in a nonverbal communication, which is, due to the limited size of the gallery, based mainly on messages or visual semiotics of contemporary art. Wide public could access the gallery through the doorbells of curators, who live in the apartment house, or the other house tenants. Concept of the gallery deals mainly with photography in wider social-cultural context of contemporary visual art. M.odla is based on the interactive approach to a potential viewer, who in order to see the exhibited artwork has to ring the bell first. Interesting aspect of this gallery are the exhibition openings which are held in the presence of house tenants, curators, the exhibiting artist and gallery visitors. Mysterious moment of opening the showcase followed by the exchange of the exhibited artworks shifts the gallery experience to the level of mythic ceremony. 

Markéta Kinterová, Jiří Thýn, Petr Robětín, Matyáš Chochola Alexandra Vajd and Hynek Alt.